Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Creating a Web page

In creating a web page we should have a plan so that you have basis in your design a page. You can easily work your web page.Not consuming so much a time like a building a house have a blue print so that they estimate a budget to create a building and they have basis how big the building it is.In a web page you have basis what is style you want to create.You have a goal to set-up to try to follow your plan.
We Should follow 60% in the content and 40% in the creativity.It should be clear the text, not so much crowded in graphics so that your content is understandable.And should be attractive in eye catching in the people.So that your web page is interesting and visited by people. In creating a web page your content are relevant and full of information all about your creating.


  1. Yeah! that is right we should follow that criteria in order to have a guide on how to make our web page looks beautiful and will be nice in the eyes of the viewers.

  2. yes! that's it. In order to have an interesting page we need to be particular about choosing designs or graphics. It must be suit to your topic so that it will not so discouraging.
